Audition season is nearing! (For those who choose to do auditions.) I've already had a few students with their first audition approaching or just happened, so it's the perfect time to do a check in and to see if you're fully prepared. This month we're going over some questions to ask yourself to see if you're really ready, some thoughts on putting your best foot (ahem, voice!) forward, the hows and whys of an audition binder, and finally some thoughts on what you might wear for your audition. Hopefully those topics (videos below) are helpful to you, but there's one final thing that may need to be addressed, and that is nerves....or performance energy as I like to call it.
Do you hear the word performance or audition and start to get the butterflies? Have you always done so, or is it possible that you've come to expect that we should feel nervous when we sing for others? We get so used to hearing that nerves are an expected and overwhelming part of auditions and performing, that we just expect that they are going to be there. But...what if it was ok and even good when our nerves show up? Because it is! Like any other athlete, adrenaline arises before an event (performance) and gives us the focus and energy that we need to get through it. So, when those butterflies start - what if you welcomed them as a sign of readiness, rather than worrying that they've come? It can be so freeing to see our nerves as a necessary part of our performances and auditions!
Watch these videos and see if you're ready for your audition: